The United Bank sponsors the fifth theatrical professions festival


Mr Ashraf

The United Bank sponsors the fifth theatrical professions festival in support of the Egyptian identity
Ashraf El Kady – Chairman of The United Bank
•    Egypt is strong with its creative youth
•    Cultural education is a necessity to build the Egyptian identity

Dr. Ashraf Zaky - President of the Academy of Arts and President of the Theatrical Professions Festival
•    Building awareness and preserving the Egyptian identity to face distortion
•    The cultural content of the festival enhances the Egyptian artistic heritage

Sameh Bassiouny - Director of the Festival of Acting Professions
•    Performing arts is one of the main pillars of Egyptian culture

Cairo: December 22nd, 2020

Believing in the huge role of culture in influencing Egyptian identity, The United Bank sponsored the festival of acting professions in its fifth session, with great interest and an increase in the attendance and participation rates of Egyptian creatives and the public.

Under the slogan "Theater is the memory of the Egyptian culture and identity," the Festival of Acting Professions honored, this year, great names, including: the creative "Abd El Rahman Abou Zahra" and the creative "Samira Mohsen", in recognition of their huge efforts and honorable history in the field of artistic and cultural creativity.

Ashraf El Kady - Chairman of The United Bank - says that The United Bank's sponsorship of the Festival of Representative Professions in its fifth session came to support the cultural movement stemmed from the directions of the Egyptian state and The Central Bank to build the contemporary Egyptian personality and adhering to its ancient cultural heritage to preserve the Egyptian identity.

El Kady explained that culture has a major role in shaping the citizen’s awareness of the external community, whether in political, economical, social or artistic aspects. This allows the citizen to understand what is going on around him in terms of events and developments, whether at the local or the global level.

Ashraf El Kady pointed out the need to include cultural education, especially for children and young people, within the daily rituals of the Egyptian citizen to increase the cultural awareness of loving reading, musical interest, artistic works, attending artistic works, as well as painting.

Dr. Ashraf Zaky - President of the Arts Academy for Applied Technology and President of the Fifth Performing Professions Festival says that the vision of the festival this year is based on a mixture of cultural and historical heritage; the shows bring together the past and the present with its modernity through creations, innovations and creative imagination paintings.

The festival sought to provide a broad cultural space that includes various cultural works, including music, theater and performances.

Sameh Bassiouny, director of the Festival of Theatrical Professions, indicated that theatrical works suffer from a lack of popular turnout despite the fact that they are serious and valuable shows. This is due to several reasons, including the social and cultural change of society, the reluctance of some creative cadres to present serious work for the sake of proliferation, as well as the financial difficulties.

And on how to make cultural arts available to the masses to become close to the mind and conscience of the citizen, Sameh Bassiouny says that the clarity bears two parts, the first: It includes the ability of creative people to produce distinctive intellectual and artistic works, and this is available in abundance. As for the second part: the most important, by providing the necessary funding for the production of these cultural artworks and broadcasting them through the media and various cultural channels.