Islamic Personal Finance - Murabahat Al-Awal

The United Bank offers its customers the optimum solution for paying all their duties, under the name of personal finance. 

"Al Awal", suitable for all profit standards, with competitive rates and for the longest period of repayment, according to Shariaa approvals.

With Al-Awal Personal Finance:

  • Finance tenor up to 8 years.
  • Competitive Finance profit rates.
  • Various programs that satisfy different market segments.
  • Financing up to EGP 750,000

Required Documents for self- Employed & Professionals

  • Valid national identification card.
  • Last 12 months’ bank statements (personal or corporate).
  • Valid commercial register/replacement for professionals.
  • Valid taxation card.

Required Documents for Salaried Customers:

  • Recent HR letter and last three months’ bank statements or last three salary slips.
  • Company undertaking to transfer salary/installment.

​In Case of Non-Salary Transfer

  • Recent HR letter and last three months’ bank statement or last three salary slips.

Apply Now

For more information, call us 19200

**Terms and conditions apply

The United Bank has the right to amend any of the Criteria, Terms, or Conditions without prior notice