Blood Donation Campaign


07 02 2017

In a quick response to road accidents and contribute to end the suffering of Blood insufficient

The United Bank organizes blood donation campaign in collaboration with The Blood Bank - National Cancer Institute

 In a quick response to road accidents and massive suffering search for blood to save a human spirit The United Bank in collaboration with The Blood Bank - National Cancer Institute organized a campaign for the bank team to donate blood.


The campaign included the headquarters of The United Bank and a number of branches in Greater Cairo, Giza and Heliopolis area.


Ashraf El Kady – Chairman of The United Bank – says that the blood donation campaign comes in the institutional framework of community responsibility for the management of "Ethar" The United Bank. Donation of blood and urges humanitarian duty by all heavenly religions.


He added that the enthusiasm of The United Bank’s team work and its initiative to donate blood, encouraged the management of the bank to examine organizes similar campaigns in collaboration with specialized blood banks in the governorates outside Cairo. There is a severe shortage of hospital needs blood outside Cairo especially hospital located on highways, which receives thousands of people injured in road accidents.


Egypt is one of the highest countries in road accidents


Ashraf el Kady refers that Egypt is considered one of the highest countries in the world in road accidents rates. Numbers of road accidents have reached to 14,000 victims annually and 60,000 wounded during the past 2016. This made The United Bank takes the initiative to organize this campaign to help and save these human lives.


He added that Egypt suffers an acute shortage of blood. Rates of donations cover only a third of hospitals’ needs in Egypt only. As well as, the weakness of community awareness of the importance of blood donation and its benefits.


El Kady demanded to increase the number blood banks to cover all parts of the republic, linking them to central network information to locate the deficiencies and needs of hospitals for blood in various parts of the republic. Also he demanded an increase of community awareness campaigns orientated to all provinces to increase blood donation rates.