The United Bank participates in the 11th forum for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development


CSR 11

The United Bank participates in the 11th forum for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development with "Tagaleyat" for economic empowerment and community development in Saint Catherine and Tagally  Mountain.

Cairo: November 8th, 2021

The United Bank is participating today in the 11st annual forum for social responsibility and sustainable development in Egypt, which holds its activities with the participation of a number of statesmen, economists, businessmen, banks, university professors and media men.

The United Bank’s participation with "Tagaleyat" project to empower Saint Catherine and the Tagally Mountain people which came under the slogan “Manifestations .. inherited by generations”, in cooperation with the Governor of South Sinai, Major Khaled Fouda and Major Talaat El Anany - President of Saint Catherine City.

The Economic empowerment project for Saint Catherine and Tagally Mountain people seeks to promote entrepreneurship to improve competitiveness and productivity, especially in the field of manufacturing agricultural and food products and handicrafts for which this region is famous, such as: the mountain honey extraction industry, the olive oil extraction and pressing industry, the cultivation of natural herbs, the cultivation of almonds and the industry soap, as well as handicrafts with the famous Sinai embroidery and the manufacture of beads.

Which is reflected in the added value of these products and work to build the capacities of small farmers and manufacturers and provide technical and material support to them through workshops to teach how to prepare feasibility studies for these projects as well as packaging methods in accordance with international specifications to ensure product quality.  As well as modern marketing methods, as well as providing various financing programs, as well as expanding the base of financial inclusion which creates a more competitive economic climate.

The "Tagaleyat" project is working to provide a decent life for 350 families as a first stage which contributes to the consolidation of the principles of human rights and the deepening of belonging to the spirit of the homeland. This is in line with the strategy of The United Bank in sustainable community development for a number of targeted societal segments, especially women and youth which will reflect positively on the chances of maximizing the economic and social return for the state as a whole.