For the second year in row


Mr Ashraf

For the second year in row

The United Bank supports The Arts Academy for Applied Technology’s students  

towards economic and social empowering

Ashraf El kady - President of The United Bank:

  • The United Bank sustainable partnerships with educational institutions to empower youth and achieve technical and artistic qualification.
  • The national educational initiative aims to building personality and the modern Egyptian identity.
  • The technical education…. Egypt’s future
  • Egypt jumps up 68 place in the technical and skilled education according to the international standards for vocational education.
  • Investing one dollar in education = 4 dollars revenues in the national economy

Dr. Ghada Gabara –President of the Art Academy

  • The Art Academy for applied technology is the first academy in the Middle East and Africa for the Egyptian innovators towards skilled and artistic professions educations.
  • The Academy is an educational revolution to bring back the leading rule of Egyptians artistic and skilled professions at stake.
  • The good educations mean enriching cultural capability development and acquiring cognitive skills and experiences.
  • The Academy benefits the labor market and keeping up with the economical changed in accordance to international quality standards.
  • Concessional admission terms after the preparatory stage.


Cairo :10th of May 2022

Under the slogan of “Investing in Education = 4 doubles revenue to the National Economy”. The United Bank declared its support, for the second year in row, to The Art Academy of Applied Technology’s students.  The Art Academy of Applied Technology is the first specialized school in the Middle East and Africa. In execution of the Egyptian state strategy to promoting the vocational educational system.

The United Bank issued “Meeza” card for the Academy’s students granting it as a monthly reward for them during the school period and internships.

In addition to organizing cultural lectures to spread the cash-less transactions concepts and mechanisms. Through the package of “Your Bank Online” which includes UB digital wallet, online banking and mobile banking. Besides, the ATMs services provided to the students, academic staff and internship staff.

The Art Academy for Applied Technology is regarded as the first school in the Middle East and Africa that graduates trained technical work force, specialized in executing live shows. In all artistic specializations performances, shows, the heritage professions in cultural industries, such as: film making, theatre, video, ballet and the musical performances, folklore, child arts…etc.

Commenting on that cultural development event, Ashraf El kady, president of The United Bank, stated that the Egyptian state taking serious steps in the national agenda to implement 2030 strategy and achieve the 17 United Nations’ goals towards sustainable development.

Adding that the national initiatives for technical educations aim to build up personality and modern Egyptian identity. Pointing out that investing one dollar in human’s education equals four dollars revenue to the citizens to improve their lives.

Ashraf El Kady pointed out that Egypt jumps up 68 places in the international classification for vocational education. Elkady declared that the Egyptian state puts a big interest in the technical education regarding it as a major locomotive for economic growth. That’s why the ministry of education and vocational education, and also the universities and Applied Academies dedicate so much effort to set up visions and mechanisms and plans to meet the labor market needs and providing the graduates with real job opportunities, and helping them acquire needed skills after graduation. This led to jumping Egypt up 68 places in the international classification.

The UB is a strategic partner in the state plan towards developing the educational system.

El kady refers to UB partnership and continual adherence to join the alliances who aim to educational system advancement throughout all stages, such as “light house” platform for educational investments, which collates the sovereign fund of Egypt, Bank of Egypt and the Insurance holding company with targeted capital of 1.75 billion Egyptian pounds. The alliance, along with other investors will subscribe in the first shutdown of the educational platform “light house” value exceeding 500 million pounds.

Elkady also praised the multi range of initiatives launched by The Central Bank of Egypt, targeting the spread of monetary and digital culture, achieving financial inclusion that contributes to cash-less society transition process. That will have economic and social reflections in eliminating poverty and improving the citizen living. Besides, solving many problems mainly unemployment and corruption.

The Art Academy is an educational revolution to bring back the leading rule of artistic and skilled professions at stake.

Commenting on this event, Dr. Ghada Gabara, president of The Art Academy stated that the academy is one of the future pillars in developing innovators in Egypt. It brings back the pioneer rule of artistic and skilled professions that are almost forgotten. In addition to getting the artistic product and cultural industries into global competition.

The Academy benefits the labor market and keeping up with the economical changed in accordance to international quality standards. Dr. Gabara added that the academy qualifies its students with both education and practical training to deal with the mechanisms, tools and equipment and the meticulous technical industries. As well as providing them with internships. Along with the modern curriculums chosen according to the international educational quality standards. That’s all to meet the labor market needs and achieve competition in local and international labor market.

Dr. Gabara stated that the vocational education witnessed many positive jumps in the past years. One of them was developing 70% of the curriculum depending on competencies that improve both the students’ skills and attitude in the same time. So, the graduate will be qualified to professionally deal with local and international labor market.

Concessional admission terms after the preparatory stage. Enjoying artistic perception and the desire to innovate and learn is an essential condition to be admitted into the academy. Also, the student has to finalize the preparatory stage with degrees. The average of the students in the class is very proper. The Academy is communicating with many investors in the cultural industries field and specialized State institutions to guarantee job opportunities to these graduates.