The United Bank is to achieve the "PCI-DSS" – V4 certification


Web News 2592024

For the second time in row

The United Bank is to achieve the "PCI-DSS" – V4 certification 


Cairo, 25th 2024


The United Bank announced its achievement to the "PCI-DSS” -V4 certification for the second time in row, ensuring the security of payment cards with its latest versions. 


UB has successfully obtained the PCI-DSS certificate, which verifies its adherence to international standards in safeguarding electronic payment card data. 


This certification, granted for the year 2024, is exclusively awarded to banks that implement international standards to ensure the privacy and security of credit card and payment card data. It guarantees the utmost levels of customer’s service and protection and is established by renowned international institutions like Visa, MasterCard.


A reputable global firm endorsed by the Information Security Standards Council for Banking Cards has thoroughly assessed The United Bank adherence to international standards in safeguarding and securing payment and credit card data. 


The firm has conducted comprehensive audits to evaluate the information systems and networks, ensuring the proper application and implementation of information security measures and compliance with all requirements of international standards.


The bank's acquisition of this certification signifies an expansion of the management's dedication to adhering to international information security standards for payment cards. This commitment is directly reflected into delivering exceptional banking services to our customers, ensuring the utmost excellence and security.


Furthermore, The United Bank always strives, as a leading banking institution, to provide its customers with the best and distinguished banking products and services, while keeping pace with the latest global technological advancements to enhance its systems and services. The primary objective is to ensure secure electronic payment options for customers on a local, regional, and global scale.


Ashraf El-Kady – Chief Executive officers and Managing Director, The United Bank expressed his appreciation for accomplishing the PCI-DSS-V4 certificate.  

Stressing that it is a step forward in implementing UB strategy and expansion plan which focus primarily on digitalization comply with security measurement.  Aiming to provide a distinguished experience for UB customers.


El Kady pointed out that UB was keen to implement this proactive plan, which ensures continuous compliance with the highest security standards, and continuous development of the bank’s security measures contemporary and in the coming future.

